Queen Adwoa's Closet - The Prologue
As you already know from the "about me" section I have what some might call an "interesting" (code word for obsessive) relationship with clothing. Like a scene from A&E's show "Hoarders," I have bags upon bags of clothes from my decades of obsessing. Believe it or not, I still have and fit clothes from middle school that I cant let go of. Yes, yall, middle school lol! I'm slowly working on purging some of these things that clearly need to go, but yet still hold so much sentimental value ... like that cute tank top I wore to a "DMX & The Ruff Ryders" concert during my freshman year of high school. Listen, don't you dare judge me! I called that "my lucky shirt" lol Besides, not all of my old obsessions are cringe worthy. Quite a few actually have either cycled back into or still look amazeballs! Take these tops for example. Gifted to me as a kid, but only recently seeing the light of day from the back of my closet as my fashion tastes have matured enough to appreciate them .. rather than regarding them as Christmas socks in my 11 year old eyes.
What if I'd thrown those out?? Think of all the dope fly girl outfits that I would have missed out on! ... *gasps* ... and thats only the tip of the "oh, I forgot I had this iceberg!" Clearly I need an intervention, but my self imposed clothes-aholic purge story is one for another day.
Meanwhile, yes, while I could still rip through a shopping store like the Tasmanian devil, at this point in the game, what's the point? I'd grown tired of the same old chase. Seeing a super fashionable woman cross the intersection in midtown, yet being able to dissect damn near EVERY piece of her outfit. Painstakingly selecting items, only to pass another woman in my neighborhood with the exact - same - outfit! .. Now let's pause here, because ladies you and I both know cardinal rule number one in the "Women's Manual of Life" is when dressing up, if we're in the same space and time, "Don't Wear My S***" ....*throws up hands exasperatedly* .. LOL
After several unfulfilled searches, a seed that I'm sure was planted in my subconscious years prior, began to take root. Following the advice of a close sister-friend, who, during a conversation about hopes, dream, fears, ect nearly four years ago told me ...
... I did just that. Nearly four months ago, after coming home from work, I announced to my HS friend visiting from DC that I was thinking of starting my own shop. The spark came to me as clearly as my own name. As left field as it seemed at the time, for those that knew me, it made perfect sense. Rather than continue to invest companies which not longer spoke to who I am at this stage in my life, I decided to create my own fashion collection. Pieces that spoke to my old soul ... that took a modern spin in paying homage to the many ancestors of tribes both known and long forgotten ... and absolutely not manufactured en masse in some warehouse. Rather designed my me personally, each created by hand. These pieces would echo to my heart and reflect my love of culture and travel.
Below are the 1st designs I EVER created ... from sketch pad to fabric. When I tell you I am beyond proud of myself especially staring as a novice. The feedback I've gotten so far has been amazing and super encouraging.

The "Royal Fashion House" section of my journey blog will visually chronicle my path as a new designer and showcase my collections of original fashion creations, including my upcoming Fall / Winter Collection launching mid November 2015. As new collection pieces go up, please feel free to leave me a comment! I'd love to connect with you and hear your thoughts ... Get excited, "Winter's Coming." Till the next collection!
To view & shop additional collection pieces and accessories while the upcoming Fall / Winter Collection is in production ... shop here